Monday, January 18, 2021


    Here I am making my first post in this blog. I just got put in facebook jail for calling out a racist Trump supporter. I should probably preface this blog and say that, I don't support or condone Trump or his followers. As such, there might be reviews posted that condemn Trump and his cult followers. If you are a Trump supporter, no matter your justification, my blog might not be the place for you. 

    I plan to mainly write book reviews and the occasional review or discussion of games I play. I will break down the way I plan on reviewing soon but I want to make it clear that I might talk about my frustration with the political climate and it won't be kind to Trump or his supporters. The world is a mess and there's all these Trump supporters who are trying to justify their vote. There is no justification and until they own up to it and accept the passive/systemic racism that went behind their votes for him, we cannot move forward as a country. Albeit there was some active racism in the vote for Trump...Look at the white nationalist terrorist that tried to start a resurrection...but passive/systemic racism is a huge issue as well and the coddling of these people led to Trumps presidency and the events we've seen recently and over the past four year.

    Like I said, this blog probably won't be the best place to frequent if you voted for Trump and continue to be complicit in his actions and the actions of the GOP. I warned you and since I am in facebook jail for condemning the racism, there might be a bit more venting about the current situation. I will likely vent on the 20th when I anticipate a lot of issues but I am hoping they've prepared more than they did on the 6th. I am also hoping they won't be as kind to any of the terrorists that showed up. They've been harsh with BLM so I expect nothing less ... although lets be real and acknowledge that the white terrorist will probably be afforded more coddling and acceptance than the black and brown protesters did.

    Now, I am going to break down my reviewing. I use CAWPILE for tracking books and my statistics. I don't always like the method for reviewing but I like the tracking method so I will continue using it. I am not good with spreadsheets and no one in my life is, so CAWPILE it is. I might research other spreadsheet trackers over this year and see if I find one that I like better. I mention this because CAWPILE is an acronym for Characters, Atmosphere, Writing, Plot, Intrigue, Logic and Enjoyment. However, I don't feel like CAWPILE really works with my frame of reviewing. When I use it the star rating does, typically, match what's in my head but I mainly use it for the stats such as genre percentage, adult/YA/MG percentage, tracking of POC authors etc. 

    With that in mind I did research and I happened to have a friend that made the decision to try and review more books. She came up with an Acronym and a review system that I like a ton more than CAWPILE (no spreadsheet or I'd make the change immediately). For this blog I will be using my friends acronym. I'll share her blog link and also quote her Acronym.

(You should check her out because she is an honest and engaging reviewer who I like a ton. She also has a podcast where they read a book and then watch the adaptation. They're great) 

    Here is her blog link:

    Her acronym is ASPECT and it's broken down like this:

    A Atmosphere: How did it make me feel? What was the world like? This might include overall tone.

    S Style: What was the writing style like? Simplistic or sophisticated? Clunky or beautiful?

    P Plot/Pace: Was it engaging? Were there holes? Did it feel too rushed or too long?

    E Enjoyment: Was it a chore to finish or compelling enough that I picked it over other fun           activities?

    C Characters: Were they believable, sympathetic, interesting?

    T This: Why did I read *This* book?

    I will try and go in order but when reviewing sometimes changing the order makes more sense. This will be a work in progress. I'll ramble and I likely won't review all the books I read. I read 144 last year and 263 books in 2019. That would be a lot of reviewing and I cannot guarantee I'll commit to that.

    Lastly, my blog will be a bit more stream of consciousness mixed with typical writing and formatting. I might go on tangents but I am hoping that I'll be able to share my true thoughts and opinions about books, games(?), movies/shows and politics.



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